If you really knew me,
you'd know that I am insecure. I see other girls, those ones who are just effortlessly pretty and I'm jealous.
you'd know that I have a small group of friends. I'm not that outgoing when it comes to meeting new people.
you'd know that I never had a real best friend. I've been close but they always move away.
you'd know that I am not normally a quiet/shy person. That's just how I am at school because I don't want to be laughed at.
you'd know that I care what other people think of me. Way too much.
you'd know that I am a people pleaser. I don't act like myself around people I don't know because I don't want them to think I'm weird and want them to like me.
you'd know that I have a hard time talking to guys. I have like zero guy friends, it's sad.
you'd know that I am smarter than the majority of my friends. Which makes me feel like I have to act dumber than I am.
you'd know that I don't want to have to care about what people think of me. easier said than done.
you'd know that I feel like I'm waiting for my REAL life to start. how I hate michigan.
you'd know that I am afraid of death. And dying. And what happens after.
you'd know that I ask myself unanswerable questions every day. Like how am I me? Like in this body?
you'd know that I am supposed to be a vegetarian based on my religion but I'm not. My family's not even that religious.
you'd know that I feel like I don't fit in with all my cousins because they all speak another indian language and me and my brother don't.
you'd know that I am scared I'll never fall in love. that I'll never meet somebody.