If you really knew me…
You’d know that I’m very insecure. It doesn’t help that most of my friends are skinny and pretty.
You’d know that I get jealous very easily. I can’t even count how many times jealous thoughts pop into my head a day.
You’d know that I never stand up for myself. I just let people walk all over me and I don’t do anything about it.
You’d know that I have such a hard time making friends. I’m really shy around people I don’t know very well.
You’d know that I feel terrible when people rant to me because I feel like such a whimp because my life seems so easy compared to everyone elses.
You’d know that I have my whole life planned out ahead of me. None of it will probably ever happen, and that’s what scares me about the future.
You’d know that I’m scared of death, or rather, what happens after death. I used to cry myself to sleep every single night just thinking about it.
You’d know that I wish life could be like a movie. I wish everyone could have that happy ending, but that’s far from how it really is.
You’d know that I worry about everything, and I overanalyze everything.
You’d know that I’m so eager to please people. I shape my days around ways that I can make others happy, and rarely think about myself.
You’d know that I freeze up around guys.
You’d know that I only have a few close friends. I have a lot of friends that I’m not close to because it’s hard for me to open up to people.
You’d know that I’m an emotional person. I laugh at everything, cry at everything, etc.
You’d know that I’ve been bullied my whole life.
You’d know that I hate being put on the spot.
You’d know that I’m never satisfied. No matter what I do, or what I achieve, it never is enough.
You’d know that I am bad at writing these, so sorry.